Game of Life

Game of Life HACKS

2: Life’s a GAME

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

3: Energy

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

4: Vibration Frequency

Game of Life - Laws of the Game


Game of Life - Laws of the Game

6: How to Play

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

7: Think-Feel Vibration

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

8: Baseball’s Laws

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

9: Game of Life Laws

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

10: Good vs. Bad

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

11: Emotions

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

12: Emotion Scale

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

13: Summary 1-12

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

14: Climb Emotion Scale

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

15: Attraction Steps

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

16: Game CREATOR

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

17: Resistance

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

18: Game Action

Game of Life - Laws of the Game

19: Delivery Speed

Game of Life HACKS

20: Rules of the Game

Game of Life HACKS

21: Scoring

Game of Life HACKS

22: Breaking the Rules

Game of Life HACKS

23: Fear & Unhappiness

Game of Life HACKS

24: End Summary

Game of Life HACKS

25: Another Point of View

Game of Life HACKS

26: Download the Emotion Scale

Game of Life Instructions are like the Game of Baseball


■ Q: What is the Game of Baseball?
■ A: Baseball is a team sport whose objective is fun accumulating the most runs (trips around the bases) in nine innings.

You may have played or know about baseball. It’s a popular fun game enjoyed with teammates. Here is a summary:

  • Two teams have nine players each.
  • Pitchers attempt to throw the ball into a strike zone in front of the batter without missing more than three times.
  • Batters get three tries to hit a ball pitched into the strike zone and then run to first base before the fielders throw the ball there.
  • Each team gets three attempts, or outs, to score per inning.
  • A team loses one of its three attempts if a fielder catches a hit ball before it touches the ground (fly ball), a runner is tagged off-base, or a batter strikes out.
  • A runner scores if he sequentially touches each of the four bases without being tagged with the ball.

The INSTRUCTIONS begin with the game of baseball because of its widespread familiarity and its common aspects with the Game of Life. It has rules, laws, and penalties. It is a sport played cooperatively with others. Muscle strengthening improves a batter’s home-run-hitting power. Practice improves everyone’s gameplay.

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Game of Life Instructions are like the Game of Baseball


■ Q: What is the Game of Baseball?
■ A: Baseball is a team sport whose objective is fun accumulating the most runs (trips around the bases) in nine innings.

You may have played or know about baseball. It’s a popular fun game enjoyed with teammates. Here is a summary:

  • Two teams have nine players each.
  • Pitchers attempt to throw the ball into a strike zone in front of the batter without missing more than three times.
  • Batters get three tries to hit a ball pitched into the strike zone and then run to first base before the fielders throw the ball there.
  • Each team gets three attempts, or outs, to score per inning.
  • A team loses one of its three attempts if a fielder catches a hit ball before it touches the ground (fly ball), a runner is tagged off-base, or a batter strikes out.
  • A runner scores if he sequentially touches each of the four bases without being tagged with the ball.

The INSTRUCTIONS begin with the game of baseball because of its widespread familiarity and its common aspects with the Game of Life. It has rules, laws, and penalties. It is a sport played cooperatively with others. Muscle strengthening improves a batter’s home-run-hitting power. Practice improves everyone’s gameplay.

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Game of Life Instructions are like the Game of Baseball


■ Q: What is the Game of Baseball?
■ A: Baseball is a team sport whose objective is fun accumulating the most runs (trips around the bases) in nine innings.

You may have played or know about baseball. It’s a popular fun game enjoyed with teammates. Here is a summary:

  • Two teams have nine players each.
  • Pitchers attempt to throw the ball into a strike zone in front of the batter without missing more than three times.
  • Batters get three tries to hit a ball pitched into the strike zone and then run to first base before the fielders throw the ball there.
  • Each team gets three attempts, or outs, to score per inning.
  • A team loses one of its three attempts if a fielder catches a hit ball before it touches the ground (fly ball), a runner is tagged off-base, or a batter strikes out.
  • A runner scores if he sequentially touches each of the four bases without being tagged with the ball.

The INSTRUCTIONS begin with the game of baseball because of its widespread familiarity and its common aspects with the Game of Life. It has rules, laws, and penalties. It is a sport played cooperatively with others. Muscle strengthening improves a batter’s home-run-hitting power. Practice improves everyone’s gameplay.

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Game of Life Instructions are like the Game of Baseball


■ Q: What is the Game of Baseball?
■ A: Baseball is a team sport whose objective is fun accumulating the most runs (trips around the bases) in nine innings.

You may have played or know about baseball. It’s a popular fun game enjoyed with teammates. Here is a summary:

  • Two teams have nine players each.
  • Pitchers attempt to throw the ball into a strike zone in front of the batter without missing more than three times.
  • Batters get three tries to hit a ball pitched into the strike zone and then run to first base before the fielders throw the ball there.
  • Each team gets three attempts, or outs, to score per inning.
  • A team loses one of its three attempts if a fielder catches a hit ball before it touches the ground (fly ball), a runner is tagged off-base, or a batter strikes out.
  • A runner scores if he sequentially touches each of the four bases without being tagged with the ball.

The INSTRUCTIONS begin with the game of baseball because of its widespread familiarity and its common aspects with the Game of Life. It has rules, laws, and penalties. It is a sport played cooperatively with others. Muscle strengthening improves a batter’s home-run-hitting power. Practice improves everyone’s gameplay.

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Game of Life topic divider back to top

1. Baseball

■ Q: What is the Game of Baseball?
■ A: Baseball is a team sport whose objective is fun accumulating the most runs (trips around the bases) in nine innings.

You may have played or know about baseball. It’s a popular fun game enjoyed with teammates. Here is a summary:

  • Two teams have nine players each.
  • Pitchers attempt to throw the ball into a strike zone in front of the batter without missing more than three times.
  • Batters get three tries to hit a ball pitched into the strike zone and then run to first base before the fielders throw the ball there.
  • Each team gets three attempts, or outs, to score per inning.
  • A team loses one of its three attempts if a fielder catches a hit ball before it touches the ground (fly ball), a runner is tagged off-base, or a batter strikes out.
  • A runner scores if he sequentially touches each of the four bases without being tagged with the ball.

The INSTRUCTIONS begin with the game of baseball because of its widespread familiarity and its common aspects with the Game of Life. It has rules, laws, and penalties. It is a sport played cooperatively with others. Muscle strengthening improves a batter’s home-run-hitting power. Practice improves everyone’s gameplay.

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2. Life’s A Game

■ Q: What is life’s purpose? Why am I here?
■ A: Life’s purpose is to have fun. Life is a fun game like baseball.

To have fun means to discover, to explore, to learn by experience, to choose, to select, to pursue the things you like and enjoy, to create, to love, and to experience another’s love.

You jumped into this lifetime at this time and place to have fun finding and doing the things that you like, to have the fun of living. Life is a game for fun, the Game of Life.

Life is not fun for those who do not know how to play the Game. These Instructions will enhance your fun by clarifying for you the goal, laws, and rules for playing the Game of Life well.

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3. Energy

■ Q: How does the Game of Life work?
■ A: You play with (manipulate) energy.

Everything in the universe is energy. Solid matter is the effect of energy fields around the nuclei of atoms, themselves held together by energy. Energy holds together the building blocks of the universe and of your body, your food, and everything in your life. Energy powers your cells, your brain, your body’s muscles. In the Game of Life, you get to play directly with this powerful stuff, energy.

Consider the hydrogen atom, the simplest element in the universe. The sun fuses pairs of hydrogen atoms together into a helium atom, producing heat and light as radiant energy that travels as massless photons through empty space and Earth’s atmosphere. Soil, rock, and ocean absorb the radiant solar energy and convert it into heat, thermal energy. Solar cells convert the solar energy into electrical energy.

Plants transform solar energy into chemical energy of fruits, leaves, stems, and wood. If animals or humans eat the plants, they convert that chemical energy into mechanical (motion) energy in their muscles, electrical energy in their nerve cells, and heat energy throughout their body.

Some of the electrical energy in your brain and heart radiates outward and affects other life forms playing the Game of Life.

You will learn to play the Game of Life well by managing your thoughts and emotions and thereby the energy you radiate into the world from your mind and heart.

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4. Vibration Frequency

■ Q: How does energy move?
■ A: Energy is transmitted by vibrations, by the movement back and forth of the energy source. Frequency is the rate or speed of repetition of the vibration cycle between the minimum and maximum vibration. 

Sound is vibrating air molecules. Vision responds to electromagnetic vibrations called light. Radio waves, X-rays, cell phones, lasers, and heat are all forms of vibration.

Energy is transferred from one source to another by matched frequency. Cell phone signals travel invisibly through the air as well as AM and FM radio, TV, Police radio, portable phones, air-traffic control, to name only a few. Each uses a narrow band of government-regulated frequencies. Each receiver only connects with the transmitter of the same (matched) frequency.

Music is vibrating air molecules set in motion by a vibrating string, as in a piano or guitar, or air column, as in a trumpet or organ. A metal tuning fork vibrates at a fixed frequency when struck to tune a piano.

When an identical tuning fork is brought near a vibrating fork, it will vibrate at the same frequency. The vibration energy is transmitted by air molecules from the first to the second fork, causing it to vibrate. The forks were playing the Game of Life by sending out vibrations to each other and responded because their natural frequencies matched. You, too, are sending out vibrations and responding to vibrations from others.

Humans invented words to talk of absence in the same way we talk about reality. For example, we speak of light and darkness. Light is a real thing; it is vibrating electromagnetic energy. It has real, measurable effects in plants, on skin, in lasers, photographic film, and more.

We speak of darkness as if it were real, but it is not. It is simply the absence of light. Darkness cannot be measured. Darkness has no effects on anything. It is an abstract concept, not anything tangible.

Similarly, we created the word night for the absence of daylight; poverty and poor for the absence of money; hunger for the absence of nourishment; naked for the absence of clothes; clean for the absence of dirt; homeless for the absence of shelter; empty for the absence of anything filling; dry for the absence of moisture; cold for the absence of thermal energy (heat); … and the list continues.

Everything has two distinct aspects: its real presence and the abstract concept of its absence Both aspects have energy, but with a different vibrational frequency.

Your mind is always radiating the frequency of your thoughts. There is an attraction force in the Game of Life that will bring more of whatever energy you are radiating.

Next time you have a pain, remember that you have a choice: focus on the pain or focus on the wellness and comfort of the absence of the pain. Whichever you choose, the Game will amplify and deliver more. If you focus on how much it hurts and how bad you feel, you will get more of the same and feel worse. If you focus on how good you will feel when the pain is gone, it will go away faster.

Be an advocate and promoter of what you want rather than a complainer or protester of what you dislike.

An example of the power of matched frequency vibration was the Tacoma Narrows bridge, nicknamed Gallopin’ Gertie. Watch on the internet the incredible video of concrete and steel waving like rubber as the wind vibrated the bridge to destruction.

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■ Q: What powers the Game of Life?
■ A: The Consciousness Energy Field that flows throughout the universe.

There is an energy field like an invisible web that permeates space and time delivering an infinite flow of energy to everything in existence. When events match up in a surprising, unexplainable way, we call it a synchronicity. They are glimpses of the vibrating web of energy that is the source of all miracles. It teems with an infinite abundance of resources that expand as you tap into the energy.

This flowing life-force field is real. It is not a coincidence, or a series of them. It is the deliberately designed and organized playing field of life and power source for your Gameplay. Just as invisible electromagnetic waves penetrate all of space and carry data interpreted by radios, TVs, and cell phones, there is also a field of consciousness energy pervading all space and flowing powerful energy.

In an ordinary steel screwdriver or a nail, the iron atoms are jumbled like toothpicks dropped on the floor. When the piece of steel is stroked repeatedly in the same direction with a pole magnet, the individual iron atoms rotate until they align with the magnetic force field of the stroking magnet. The previously jumbled steel becomes another magnet. You can see the effects of the magnetic field by sprinkling iron filings onto a piece of paper with a pole magnet underneath.

Just like the existence of the revealed magnetic field, there is an energy field of abundance, life, and well-being that powers the Game of Life. When you align yourself with this energy field, you become a powerful magnet for everything you want. The Game-Creator created the energy grid to be your power source for conscious life forever. It powered the Big Bang creation of the universe and fuels the creation of stars and the expansion of the universe. It powers your play in the Game of Life.

Quantum physicists call this vibrating energy matrix the Unified Field of Consciousness. Psychologists call it the Superconscious Mind. Eastern religions call it Divine Source. Spiritual self-help gurus call it the World of Infinite Possibilities. Christian religions call it the Kingdom of God, sometimes just God. Leaders of New-age/Ancient-wisdom religions call it the Universe. The Star Wars film sagas refer to it as the Force.

I call it THE-FLOW, the field of flowing consciousness energy, just as real as your cell phone connection, but infinitely more powerful. It exists and has been working for you. Your choice is about how you tap into it based on your thoughts and attention focus.

THE-FLOW is creative. It matches up people, circumstances, and events in perfect timing by matching their vibration frequencies.

It causes:
those who think about wealth to get richer;
those who appreciate their blessings to get even more;
those who imagine their ideal relationship to find their perfect partner.

It causes:
•those who think they are poor to get more poverty;
•those who talk of their illness to get more sickness;
•those who worry about their safety to become victims.

THE-FLOW is for you. You are worthy of receiving the abundance it can deliver; you deserve it; it is your birthright as a human. You have no original sin or unworthiness to prevent you from receiving this flow of joy, love, goodness, and abundance.

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6. How to Play

Games need materials for play. Baseball uses a grass field, four bases, bats, gloves, and baseballs. Video games use a program on an electric-powered computer with display screen and game controller, plus an internet connection for updates and interactive play, a mouse, Xbox motion controller, or Wii.

The Game of Life uses your thoughts, emotions, and THE-FLOW energy field as its game materials.

■ Q: How do you play the Game of Life?
■ A: You play with your body, mind, and spirit by thinking and feeling.


As the embryo in your mother’s womb developed, you enlivened the physical body with your Divine spirit. You knew someday you would leave your body behind and return to pure spirit. Meanwhile, you are here for the enjoyment of another earth-walk. You are here for the adventure, thrill, and fun of it.

You are an eternal, powerful, and all-loving part of the Divine who chose to come explore life on this planet at this time. You have been here before in other lifetimes and selected this time-place to once again take on a body. You can call this eternal aspect of yourself your Inner-Spirit, your Life-Force, or God-within. No matter what you call it, it is the blending of both your personality and the Divine. It is your source of life, your guide and inspiration, that eternal YOU who fulfills your desires to achieve your life purpose. It is the REAL you that came to play on earth.

You manipulate energy with your thoughts causing your emotions. Their vibration creates energetic radiation. You are playing the Game of Life by thinking and feeling.

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7. Think-Feel Vibration

■ Q: How does vibration work in playing the Game of Life?
■ A: When you think a thought and feel an emotion, you radiate energy at a certain frequency. The Game matches up things of the same frequency and sends them to you.

What you think about, comes about.

Your thoughts create emotions, feelings. Your thoughts and feelings radiate out from you in all directions as a vibrating energy field at a specific frequency. People, circumstances, things, and events around you respond to your energy field by echoing back more of the same frequency.

The energy vibrations from your mind (thoughts) and your heart (emotions) affect all the cells in your body. They can cause illness and pain. Different thoughts can turn pain off and heal illness. You are already your own doctor-healer or poisoner by whatever you focus in your mind.

There are cosmic consequences to what you broadcast in your personal energy signature of your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, intentions, values, attitudes, and expectations.

Your energy is like a boomerang. What you send out will invite similar energies to come back to you.

Because you have been thinking, you have been playing the Game since birth even if you didn’t realize it. Use these instructions to start playing the Game of Life more deliberately. You will boost your playing skills and have a happier and more rewarding life.

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8. Baseball’s Laws

The goal of the game of baseball is to accumulate trips around the bases after hitting a pitched ball. You already know the goal of the Game of Life: to have fun exploring, expanding, loving, and doing the things you like.

For every game there are two types of rules: Those you have no choice about because they are built into the physics of the game system (called laws) and the rules you can disobey or break, usually incurring consequences or penalties.

For the game of baseball, there are three laws affecting all players: the Law of Gravity, Newton’s first law of motion: objects remain at rest or move in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force, and Newton’s second law of motion: force equals mass multiplied by acceleration.

When a batter hits a baseball, the force that he hits it with depends on the mass of the bat and how fast he swings it. His force on the ball will be greater, and the ball will go farther if he uses a heavier bat or swings it faster (Newton’s Second Law).

The ball will not go in a straight line because the outside forces of gravity and air friction will act on the ball as it flies, eventually pulling it down to the ground or into a fielder’s glove. (Gravity & Newton’s First Law).

No team or player has a choice about the application of these laws. They are an inescapable part of the game of baseball for every player.

If playing baseball (or watching it) is fun for you, you are playing the Game of Life well at those times because fun is the objective of the Game of Life. The Game of Life also has three laws like baseball’s laws.

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9. Game of Life Laws

Baseball players accept the effects of gravity and Newton’s laws in their game because they are built into their game environment on planet earth.

The Game of Life also has three laws that are part of Life’s game environment. Like the laws affecting baseball, the laws of the Game of Life are universal. They affect all players equally. No player can avoid them:

  • Law of Attraction
  • Law of Expansion
  • Law of Diversity

These laws implement the fundamental motto or decree of the universe: More, different, forever!

■ Q: What is the Law of Attraction?
■ A: You attract more of what you think.

The Law of Attraction takes its name from what it does: it acts like a magnet to attract things that are of the same energy frequency. When you think, speak, or write about a subject, you are instructing the Law to Go find and bring me more of similar energy.

The Law will first bring you more similar thoughts. If you continue to think those thoughts long enough, the Law begins arranging the physical things, events, and people that have the same energy frequency until those things, events, and people show up in your life.

The Law does not know or care whether you are thinking about something that you want or thinking about something you do not want. It simply brings more of whatever you are thinking about. If you think, speak,  or write about things you do not want, the Law attracts more matching thoughts, energy, and physical manifestations that you won’t like.

Pushing against something backfires. The more energy you put into protesting or thinking about what you do not want, the more those things will show up for you. Mother Theresa knew the power of the Law of Attraction when she said, “I will not join a march against war, but I will join one for peace.”

■ Q: Who wins in the Game of Life?
■ A: Everyone can win and win at the same time.

This is the direct opposite of the main rule in most games because they have a single winner or winning team. The limitation to a single winner creates competition; only one prize, title, or trophy.

In the Game of Life, everyone can have a life of fulfillment, happiness, joy, and the material things they want. Your winner status does not depend on anyone else doing anything. There is no competition in the Game of Life.

■ Q: How can everyone have whatever they want in the Game?
■ A: The Law of Expansion: THE- FLOW of energy that powers the Law of Attraction expands with unlimited resources to meet the desires of all.

THE-FLOW of well-being, fun, abundance, love, and joy is infinite. There is no dilution as more people join in the Game and tap into its energy flow. It expands to supply all.

Expansion is an imperative of the universe, and thus also for you. New galaxies of stars continue to be born and accelerate away from each other in an ever-expanding universe. Look around on Earth. It is clear there is more stuff today than there was twenty years ago, dramatically more than one hundred years ago.

Where did this stuff come from? It is the result of people’s desires, envisions, and manifestations. It is the physical stuff of the directed energy of the Law of Attraction and THE-FLOW to people as they played the Game of Life by imagining what they wanted.

Everyone has an equal chance to be a winner in the Game of Life, to get as much fun, satisfaction, happiness, pleasure, and material things as they choose (by their thoughts). The Law of Attraction guarantees you will get what you think about.

■ Q: What is The Law of Diversity?
■ A: Variety, difference, diversity, and contrast are essential and built in.

Variety is part of the structure of everything in the universe. It is essential for exploration, adventure, and expansion. If everything were the same, that would be boring, with no attraction or repulsion, no likes and dislikes, no choices, no decisions.

Sameness is opposite the universal mandate “More, different, forever!” and to your freedom of choice of what you like and desire. Diversity leads to contrast, a striking difference between two things when compared to each other. Differences in size, shape, disposition, speech, race, customs, behavior, and food choices of individuals are all forms of diversity. You need other people, even if they are different or disagree with you.

Notice the diversity and contrast around you. The human eye can differentiate at least 200,000 colors; there are 17,500 species of butterflies; over 4000 religions; thousands of shoe styles; dozens of skin colors, millions of different faces, unique finger designs, hundreds of sauces and condiments, some you would call disgusting!

Enjoy the multitude of choices the Law of Diversity opens to you. It is an essential and inescapable part of your Game of Life. You get to choose which ones you like and which you desire to be physically in your life.

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10. Good vs. Bad

Although the words good and bad sometimes arise with the variety brought by diversity, the Game of Life does not use these words. These terms will make more sense if you interpret them this way:
■ Good means I prefer or desire it;I like it; I want it; I am happy with it.
■ Bad means I do not prefer or desire it; I don’t like it; I don’t want it; I feel unhappy with it.

What you call good may not be considered as good by others. What you call bad may not be called bad by others. That does not make either of you good or bad, right or wrong, or the things you evaluate as intrinsically good or bad. It just means that you are alive observing the Law of Diversity exists, and you are playing the Game of Life by your evaluations and choices.

The other players in the Game of Life, the rest of humanity, are also playing by the laws of the Game. The diversity and contrast you see in them is like the diversity and contrast each of them sees in you.

The Laws apply equally to all. This means that the religious or political views that you may disagree with can be valid preferences of other players in the Game. Their position aided you in your clarification of your own preferences.

Observe the diversity all around and affirm, “It’s all good! It’s all for my benefit, whether I like it or not!”


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11. Emotions

Like the gas tank gauge, emotions provide decision-making information. They give you information about how aligned your thinking is with the thinking of your Inner-Spirit so you can decide about changing your thoughts or not. Awareness of your emotions and what they convey is part of a healthy, happy life. Like a gas gauge, it’s beneficial to have emotions.

You are body, mind, and spirit. Your spirit part is your God-part who is taking part in every aspect of your physical body-and-mind life. Call that spirit part of you your Inner-Spirit or your Inner-Being.

Wherever you focus your thought, your Inner-Spirit focuses also, but always in the most loving, positive way. If you are having judgmental, fearful, or any kind of negative thoughts, your Inner-Spirit surely is not having similar thoughts, and you can tell by the way you feel; you will feel an unpleasant emotion.

Your Inner-Spirit constantly loves you, guides you to allow THE-FLOW to achieve what you desire, and never judges you. When your thoughts align with what your Inner-Spirit is thinking, you “feel good” (pleasing emotions in the higher frequencies). When your thoughts do not align, you “feel bad” (unpleasant emotions in the lower frequencies).

Your emotion is an indicator of the alignment between your thoughts and your Inner-Spirit’s thoughts.

Do this: Several times each day notice your emotion and give it a name. Record that name with the date/time and what you were thinking at the time of the emotion. If it was an unpleasant emotion, make an estimate of what could be different between your thoughts and your Inner-Spirit’s thoughts.

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12. Emotion Scale

The last chapter asked you to notice your emotion several times a day and to record it along with what you were thinking at the time. Have your list of emotions handy when you read this chapter. If you didn’t make that list, take a day or two of noticing, naming, and recording your emotions before reading further.

Emotions are:
  • All good, natural, a normal part of being human.
  • Energetic responses of your body to your thoughts.
  • Indicators of the match or mismatch between your current thoughts and the thoughts of your Inner-Being. Higher frequency vibration means greater match.

Emotion Vibration Frequency Scale

(Numbers arbitrary; higher indicates higher frequency)

30. Love, Appreciation, Joy
29. Freedom, Empowerment
28. Passion
27. Happiness
26, Enthusiasm, Eagerness
25. Positive expectation, Belief
24. Optimism
23. Hopefulness
22. Replenishment, Well-being
21. Contentment, Satisfaction
20. ====↑=== Release Boundary ===↓====
15. Boredom, Stagnation, Stuck
14. Pessimism
13. Frustration, Irritation, Impatience
12. Overwhelmed
11. Disappointment, Dissatisfied
10. Doubt
9. Worry, Anxiety
8, Blame
7. Discouragement
6. Anger
5. Revenge, Judgment
4. Hatred, Rage
3. Jealousy
2. Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness
1. Fear, Grief, Powerlessness, Depression, Despair, Helplessness

Take your daily list of your emotions and find where each one is on the chart. If you named an emotion that is not shown, pick the closest similar feeling and position it on that level. (All levels are shown but not all emotion names).

There is a transition from lower frequencies below twenty to higher frequencies above twenty. Crossing this boundary between feelings that are unpleasant to those that are pleasant involves releasing negative thoughts and trusting your Inner-Spirit and THE-FLOW. The oft-heard advice Let go and let God summarizes the shift of crossing.

If most of your emotions are on the upper end of the chart above twenty, you are doing great. If some or most of your emotions are below twenty, you have an opportunity to change your thoughts, feel better emotions, and improve your Game.

Notice over a few days where your emotions are landing on this chart. Some moments will be higher and some lower than others. It is a normal part of living for things to happen or thoughts to pop up that trigger low-frequency vibration emotions.

You can notice and decide to change how you feel by deliberately thinking a slightly higher vibration thought.

Or you can decide that you want to hang out in that low-frequency emotion for a while. The Law of Attraction will bring you more of those thoughts and feelings.

Thinking thoughts that move you up the scale a little bit work best. It doesn’t work to try big jumps. Just think thoughts associated with the emotion slightly higher than your present one, and gradually lift yourself up the Emotion Scale.

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13. Summary 1-12

1. Baseball is a popular game with similarities to the Game of Life.

2. Life is a Game whose purpose is to choose, expand, explore, and have fun.

3. Everything is energy. The Game of Life is played with energy.

4. Energy is passed between objects vibrating at the same (matched) frequency.

5. THE-FLOW is the universal energy field that powers consciousness. It powers the Game of Life.

6. To play the Game of Life, use thoughts, feelings, and THE-FLOW.

7. Thoughts and emotions radiate vibrational energy attracting similar vibrations.

8. Baseball follows the Law of Gravity and Newton’s Laws of Motion.

9. Laws regulate play in the Game of Life:
  • The Law of Attraction: You get what you think about, how you feel, returned by matching vibrations.
  • The Law of Expansion causes THE-FLOW to expand with unlimited resources. Everyone can win all they want.
  • The Law of Diversity supplies many options so you can choose what you like or do not like.

10. There is no absolute GOOD or BAD, only what you like or do not like, prefer or not, desire or not.

11. Emotions are the gauge of how close my thoughts match those of my Inner-Spirit.

12. There is a frequency scale of emotions ranging from a high of joy, love, freedom, and appreciation to a low of fear, grief, and despair.

When you understand the Laws and follow the Rules, your life will seem miraculous.

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14. Climb Emotion Scale

Sometimes feelings pop-up “out of the blue.” It does not really matter where the thought or emotion came from. Playing the Game well involves these four steps:

  1. Notice your emotion.

  2. Name the emotion and own it. Acknowledge having it is OK.

  3. Decide if you want to keep it (to get more) or change your emotion.

4a. If you want to keep it, keep thinking whatever thoughts brought it! More similar thoughts will come and keep the emotion active.

4b. If you want to change your emotion, move up the emotional scale one step at a time by thinking a thought that feels like the next higher emotion.

No matter how an emotion arises or how strong, if you are not enjoying your emotion, you can change it.

■ Q: How can I change my emotions?
■ A: Change your thoughts by climbing up the Emotion Scale one level at a time.

Here is an example of climbing up the scale from an initial emotion of anger at two friends because of their actions towards you that triggered your anger: Slowly say (or intensely think) each quoted sentence until you feel the emotion, then move to the next.

“I am really, really mad about this hurtful thing my friends did.”
          [6. Anger … move up the scale from here]

“I am surprised by this from them and by my reaction to it.”
          [7. Discouragement]

“It’s all their fault. I didn’t do anything to deserve that from them.”
          [8. Blame]

“I’m worried! This might hurt our long-time relationship.”
          [9. Anxiety, worry]

“I can’t figure out what I should do now, what to say?”
          [10. Doubt]

“I don’t like this mess I’m in, but what should I do?”
          [11. Disappointed, dissatisfied]

“I don’t know what to do. It’s just too much to think about.”
          [12. Overwhelmed]

“I’ve just got to figure out what to do and do it quickly.”
          [13. Frustration, impatience]

“I don’t know what to do. I might lose them forever as friends.”
          [14. Pessimism]

“I can’t figure this out. I’ll distract myself and just let this simmer.” 
          [15. Stagnation, stuck]

“I let it go. I turn it over to God. I ask forgiveness and pray for them.”
          [20. Release, surrender, trust = Crossing the boundary]

“I like myself. It’s going to be OK.”
          [21. Satisfaction, contentment]

“I feel better about it. My anxiety is gone. I’m beginning to feel OK again.”
          [22. Replenishment, Well-Being]

“We can forgive each other. We can all be friends again.”
          [23. Hopefulness]

“I think they will forgive me. I have forgiven them. It will be better.”
          [24. Optimism]

“I know they will forgive me. We will be best friends forever.”
          [25. Positive expectation]

“I am feeling so much better. I can’t wait. I will call them now.”
          [26. Enthusiasm, eagerness]

Make up your own sentences; whatever it takes to move up and feel better. The higher the frequency of your thoughts and emotions, the better you are playing the Game and the happier you will be.

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15. Attraction Steps

■ Q: How does the Law of Attraction work?
■ A: Four steps: Desiring, Escrow Building, Allowing, Manifestation.

Step#1. Desiring: The first step is asking for what you want by deciding what you like, what you wish, what you want to have.

Because of diversity, you are constantly choosing, distinguishing the things you like and the things you do not like by your emotion, your gut reaction, and automatically putting desires into your Treasure Chest, the temporary holding place where your desires accumulate before they become present in your experience.

Step#1 is automatically a part of living in a diverse world. This part of the Game of Life is no effort for you.

Step#2. Escrow building: The second phase of creation is the gathering of all the components to supply the result of your desire and putting them into escrow for you. The Law of Attraction and your Inner-Spirit use THE-FLOW to assemble and organize the resources to give you what you want and place them in your Escrow Treasure Chest, where they remain until you claim them into manifestation. There is nothing for you to do in this step and you do not need to understand how this is done. Step#2 is completed and ready for you immediately after you express the slightest desire.

It’s called Escrow Treasure Chest because escrow means already in your account waiting for an event to trigger release of what is stored. The things to fulfill your desires are prepared and put into your real but non-physical treasure chest awaiting your signal for their release to you by your allowing them.

Step#3. Allowing: The third phase in the process is allowing THE-FLOW to deliver the things that are already waiting for you in your Escrow Treasure Chest.

Once you understand that you have already created with the power of your thought and that your results are already in escrow, you will understand that getting what you desire out of escrow and into your possession will not require much effort. You will be inspired to take the few right actions to release the things you want. The necessary physical work will be easy and fun. Most of the effort will be internal mental work.

Allowing means accepting yourself, being joyful in who you are, loving yourself where you are right now. It means acknowledging that you are worthy to receive the gifts accumulated and ready to be delivered to you. It means letting go of limiting programming from the past. It means trusting that you are here to be happy. It means trusting in the Law of Attraction and THE-FLOW without fear or doubt. It means believing in the miracle, the impossible, and the blessings for you beyond imagination. It means more than believing, it means knowing, with certainty that you are loved, worthy, and deserving. It means accepting in your life the truth of this saying: “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” [Matthew 7:7]

Allowing means permitting the manifestation to flow to you by not doubting its reality.

It means having a certainty so strong that this famous quotation applies to you: “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, … You can even say to this mountain, “May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,” and it will happen.” [Matthew 21:21]



Step#4. Manifesting: Your desires move from your invisible Escrow Treasure Chest to your visible reality and experience. What you wished for. arrives. As you live in the state of allowing, ready to accept what has been prepared for you, you will be constantly amazed by everything you desired showing up! This step is automatic without any added effort on your part as you allow in Step#3.

Recap: Step#1: You react to the diversity built into the world by liking or disliking what you meet. Step#2: Powerful forces put the things you like and want into your Escrow Treasure Chest. Step#3, the only step that requires your attention: You focus your thoughts to keep them aligned with your Inner-Spirit’s thoughts (you have high frequency emotions) to allow the contents of your Escrow Treasure Chest to flow to you. In Step#4, the contents held in escrow for you flow into your physical experience.

■ Q: Are there other names for the Law of Attraction and THE-FLOW?

▸Synonyms for THE-FLOW are UNIVERSE  (New Age metaphysics) and the FORCE (Star Wars sagas).

▸Terms partly consistent with the Law of Attraction and THE-FLOW are:

GRACE (Christians) limited to the concept of sin, to being redeemed, or saved. (Not necessary for LoA & FLOW)

KARMA (Buddhist, Hindu, Jain), life flows from actions in current lifetimes (OK) and prior lifetimes (False. LoA & FLOW have no build-up of reward or punishment for future lifetimes)

▸Terms not consistent with Law of Attraction and THE-FLOW are:

FATE (events beyond a person’s control as if by a supernatural power).

LUCK (success or failure brought by random chance rather than through one’s own actions).

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16. Game Creator

■ Q: Where did the Game of Life come from? Who created it?
■ A: The Game-Creator is the ultimate fun, joy, love person, infinite in timelessness and power.


You can call this person Source, Creator, Infinite Wisdom, Divine Intelligence, God, All-loving, Almighty, Buddha, Allah, Yahweh, I Am, Jehovah, Jesus, All-That-Is  …  The name does not matter because all these names refer to the same Person.

Humans have recognized the powerful energy force beyond themselves from the beginning of time and have attributed various names and attributes to explain it.

Believers in any of the 4000 different religions, or in no religion, can find their road to happiness by playing the Game of Life well. Each person gets to choose their path. The Game-Creator does not make one religion the best or only path.

Religion can put structure into your life if you are adrift or in chaos. Many “find themselves” when they throw themselves whole-heartedly into a religion and believe that their faith is causing them to be “saved.”

Despite the many religions, your ideal communication with the Game-Creator is directly via the energy flowing to you, through you, and within you as your Inner-Being connects through THE-FLOW. The intermediary of a human-controlled religion is optional. You are already “saved” and deserve all the fun, exploration, adventure, wealth, health, happiness, and joy that the Game-Creator already assembled and is flowing to you.

Your consciousness makes you a participant-in, and a part-of, this same Game-Creator-Person.

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17. Resistance

■ Q: What slows or blocks THE-FLOW from my Escrow Treasure Chest becoming manifestations I can touch?
■ A: Resistance.

Any energy flow can be impeded. Brakes apply resistance against the rotational energy of wheels. Air molecules impede the motion of objects like cars, airplanes, and parachutes. Dams resist the energy flow of rivers.

The wires in a toaster or electric range offer so much resistance to the flow of electricity that they glow red as they convert some electrical energy to heat energy.

Resistance always impedes the flow of energy. Your resistance is a major factor affecting your experience of the results from THE-FLOW. You can recognize and reduce your resistance.

■ Q: How to stay in THE-FLOW? How to avoid resistance?
■ A: Decide what you want, stay focused, stay in higher frequency emotions.

DECIDE: Choose a decision, and then make it your own best decision. Put your energy into it. Believe in it. Go “All In.” 

Don’t be wishy-washy or like the guy who kept putting his car in Drive then Reverse, then Drive, then Reverse, back and forth. That goes nowhere and digs a hard-to-exit rut.

It’s OK to change your mind later to another decision if you need to, but resolve to give whatever decision you first make a real opportunity to play out into results.

Thoughts, words, or arguments against your decision are resistance that will guarantee you will not get what you want and not be happy.

STAY FOCUSED: Resistance also comes from lack-of-focus. The Law of Attraction brings more of what you think about but doesn’t deliver it instantly. This is good because it gives you the time to decide if you like a thought that pops into your mind, or to discard it, before it attracts more.

It takes about 17 seconds of focused continued thought on a subject before the Law begins bringing more similar thoughts. When you stay focused on the subject for over a minute, components to deliver the manifestation will be gathered and put in your Escrow Treasure Chest.

Stay focused and manifestations will come sooner and faster. The Law of Attraction is working whether you are focused or not. With a small effort of focus, it will work miracles for you.

Make your motto: “THE-FLOW follows my intention and my attention. I am decisive and focused.”

STAY IN THE HIGHER FREQUENCY EMOTIONS: The emotions above level twenty on the emotional scale mean that your thoughts and the thoughts of your Divine Inner-Being are similar, allowing the contents of your Escrow Treasure Chest to manifest into physical reality for you. This is your part, the Step#3 ALLOWANCE.

When you are thinking thoughts that differ from those of your Inner-Being, you experience emotions of the lower frequencies that are resistance to THE-FLOW into your life.

Notice your emotions and climb back up if they are low frequency.

IMPORTANT: This is the core of these instructions. If you learn this you will become an expert player in the Game of Life: Decide, stay focused, stay in the higher frequency emotions.

If slip/slide away from these, say, “That’s OK; I’m still human.” Come on back, climb back up, enjoy the journey!

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18. Game Action

■ Q: Where does action fit into the Game of Life?
■ A: No specific actions are needed. For best Game play, take only those action promptings that feel good.

Notice your emotions as you take actions. If high frequency, good-feeling emotions, the action will contribute to the Law of Attraction bringing what you want. If your emotion is a low frequency, it will not. Choose only actions that are the most joy and fun.

If you need to take some decision or action and don’t know which to choose, get yourself feeling good first by thinking of something that makes you happy. Then ask your Inner-Being, your Divine-link, “Inspire me to choose for my highest good and the highest good of all involved.” Then be sensitive to your inclination coming from your inner inspiration and make your decision or take your action based on your sense of inner guidance.

Then make that decision 100% yours by believing and expecting the superior results you wish from that choice. Don’t waffle or worry about the choice after you make it. THE-FLOW will work with whatever choice you make. Stick with it and enjoy it!

Because the Game is for fun, adventure, and expansion, your primary tool is imagination. Build your creations in your mind first, then notice the actions inspired from your envisioning. Actions will be minimal by comparison to your mental activity.

Be like the great music composers, authors, and artists who acknowledged that it was from joyful spontaneous download of divine inspirations that their works resulted, not from arduous actions.

Have fun with mind over action.

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19. Delivery Speed

■ Q: What affects the delivery speed of THE-FLOW?■ A: Beliefs, expectations, and strength of desire.

Beliefs are thoughts that you have repeated so many times that they have become easy and automatic, usually learned through your childhood experiences. Beliefs contrary to what you desire are resistance that impedes THE-FLOW to you. You can examine your beliefs, evaluate and change them if you choose. It takes conscious effort.

There is a little bit of doubt in belief, the small chance that it will not be true. Example: When asked to drop something, you won’t say, I believe it will fall. Why not? Because belief implies a little doubt. Instead, you would say “It will fall.” You know with certainty gravity won’t stop for you.

Your level of certainty determines your allowance in Law of Attraction Step#3 that releases what is stored in your Escrow Treasure Chest.

Uncertainty, doubt, or a contrary belief resist the Law of Attraction’s delivery of what you want. If you want more wealth but believe you don’t deserve it, or doubt the possibility for you, the vibration frequencies of those beliefs resist THE-FLOW of money into your wallet or bank account.

If what you desire is not manifesting, examine your beliefs about your desire, remembering vibration of its absence attracts a different result than vibration of what you desire.

High confidence, high expectation, and strong desires match the frequency of your Inner-Being and THE-FLOW. The greater their strength, the quicker your manifestation.


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20. Rules of the Game

The games of baseball and Life both have laws and rules. Baseball play is controlled by Gravity and the Laws of Newton.

Your play in the Game of Life is also controlled by three no-choice laws:
▸The Law of Attraction brings more of what you think and emote about.
▸The Law of Expansion guarantees as much as you want (and allow) without competition with others.
▸The Law of Diversity brings choices of things you like and do not like.

Game rules are different. Players can choose to follow them or not. Breaking rules brings consequences.

A baseball rule: “Runners must touch the four bases in sequential order to score.” Players have a choice here and can make the error of not following the rule by missing a base as they run around the bases. If a runner does not follow that rule, the umpire can call them OUT.

■ Q: What are rules of the Game of Life?
There are only two rules:
Rule #1. Accept & love yourself.
Rule #2. Golden Rule: “Treat others as you want them to treat you.”

You get the choice to follow or not follow each of the two rules in the Game of Life.

Rule #1. Accept and love yourself. You are God clothed in temporal flesh and deserving of everything the space-time world has to offer. You are eternal non-material conscious energy who existed before you chose to enter this space-time adventure.

God is all love, all good, and so are you as participant in the Divine. You chose a general adventure path for this lifetime. You selected your parents and geographical entry point that would launch you onto that general path. Now that you are here, you get to play the Game of Life with your day-to-day choices to follow the two rules. You get to choose to love yourself, to know that you are worthy and deserving of health, of wealth, of companionship, of all good things.

If you put yourself down or think you are not good enough, you are telling yourself an enormous lie. You are divine and there is no imperfection in the Divine. The Game works much better for you if you love yourself. However, it is a choice, and you can choose to violate the first rule and be miserable if you want.

Because your Inner-Spirit, that Divine part of yourself, knows your goodness and worthiness, any belief you have contrary to this will produce a lower frequency vibration associated with emotions you will not like. You will not feel good. You will not be happy. Life will not be fun.

The second rule depends on the first because it asks that you treat others with the same love that you have for yourself. If you do not love yourself, it is impossible to spread love to others.

Rule #2. Golden Rule: Treat others as you want them to treat you. Since you live in a community with other people, this is the rule that defines what kind of person you are toward others. Everyone deserves the freedom and respect of being on their path different from yours, often dramatically different.

Your observance of the Golden Rule regulates your respect of the rights of others and your behavior toward them.

Notice how you are playing by these rules. Are you loving, respecting, and taking care of yourself? When with another person, are you asking  yourself: “How would I like to be treated in this situation?”

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21. Scoring

■ Q: How to score in the Game of Life?■ A:There is no scoring. Everyone wins relative to how well they play.

Remember the goal of the Game is fun experiences with love and joy. There is no competition for a limited supply, so there is no need for scorekeeping.

Everyone gets as much as they can allow.

style=”border-width: 1px; font-size: 22px; padding: 1em; line-height: 25px; background-color: #ddeefc;”>How you follow or do not follow each of the two rules determines the quality and size of your win.

Judge not! Play only your Game! These imperatives flow directly from the Golden Rule. You may observe that someone is happy, and another is angry or discontent when it seems that everything about their situation is equal. Don’t try to figure it out! It is not possible to know how another is playing their Game or why. Don’t judge (evaluate, condemn) the way another person is playing their Game. Focus on playing your Game well.

The Laws of the Game of Life work though the interplay between the physical and the non-physical worlds. Your brain is totally in the physical world and cannot fathom the workings of the Laws because it cannot understand non-physical. You cannot know what is going on in another’s mind or soul! Do not even try to understand.

■ Q: How do I know if I am playing the Game of Life well?
■ A: Two indicators that you are playing the Game well are:
▸Your emotions are in the upper frequencies (above 20) most of the time.
▸The stuff of your desires keeps showing up (manifesting).

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22. Breaking the Rules

■ Q: What happens if I don’t follow Rule #1? I break it?■ A: You won’t have as much fun. Life will seem rougher for you.


You are a non-physical being that has taken on a bodily form in cosmic time and space for the adventure. You have done it before and will do it again. To make it more fun and adventuresome, you forgot your prior lifetimes so that you could learn again, in a different era, geography, culture, with different parents and siblings. You chose a general purpose for the journey, but you work out the details day-by-day as you live the Game.

The Game is played with energies, where each energy is a vibration at a frequency. You are in THE-FLOW because the Game-Creator created you worthy and deserving of all good things, of all your desires. Nothing can remove you from THE-FLOW, but you are free to slow it or block its flow to you and as a result have less fun and more things you don’t like.

Regardless of how you play the Game, you will certainly end this lifetime, shed your body to return to basic chemical elements, and leave behind everything associated with the body, like age, illness, and pain. Your Inner-Spirit, the non-physical real you, will continue to exist for all eternity, probably with many more Earth trips, or perhaps in some other civilization. You will connect in a glorious way with all your supporting angels, family, friends, and mentors. Actually, they are all around you and supporting you now. Call upon them!

You will certainly NOT be sent to a non-existent Hell or Purgatory. You won’t be judged, punished or rewarded for anything you did. You came to enjoy playing the Game and that’s what you did. If you broke the rules, you didn’t get as much enjoyment as you could have; it wasn’t as much fun. There was probably more pain and suffering, but it was your choices that caused it. You will likely choose to come play again, perhaps differently.

The second rule of the Game is to accept that everyone else has just as much right to play their Game. Don’t interfere with how they play. In other words, treat them as you would want to be treated yourself.

■ Q: What happens if I don’t follow or break Rule #2?
■ A: You won’t have as much fun. Life will be a rougher. You will be penalized in this lifetime.

In a sports game, the umpire enforces the rules and measures out the punishment for violations. A football umpire imposes a five, ten, or fifteen-yard penalty; a basketball umpire enforces foul shots or game ejection; the hockey empire imposes penalty-box time.

The Law of Attraction itself functions as the umpire in enforcing the rules of the Game of Life by delivering to each person (player) things, people, events of the same frequency as they are radiating.

Those who radiate the energy of love get the energy of love coming back to them (Heaven-on-Earth). Those who radiate the energy of hate get the energy of hate coming back to them (Hell-on-Earth).Those who do not love themselves and treat their neighbor without love, will get the absence of love boomeranging back.

Treat each person as you want them to treat you. Others will treat you as you treat them. What goes around, comes around is the normal reaction of people which the Law of Attraction reinforces.

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23. Fear & Unhappiness

■ Q: If playing the Game is so easy, why are so many people unhappy?■ A: They are in fear from listening to others instead of to their Inner-Being.

Fear is rampant in society because government, industry, even religions use fear as a weapon of control.

Industries use fear to sell their products. They advertise medicines by promoting fear that you will be ill (or your illness will get worse) if you don’t use their products. They advertise clothes, cosmetics, many products as essential for you to be accepted by others, playing on the fear of rejection, and social avoidance. “Whiten your teeth, buy the right clothes, get plastic surgery” are all aimed at a fear of being ugly, not accepted, and isolated. Politicians’ campaigns promote fear of what their opponents might do.

The daily news media of death, war, disaster shows things gone wrong that could or do affect us, triggering emotions of anxiety and fear. Social media promotes fear through lies and conspiracy theories. TV and cinema include fear-inducing scenes of calamity, violence, craziness, illness, and death.

Fear is the lowest frequency emotion. Staying in an emotional state of fear will bring all the things you fear into your life, certainly unhappiness.

Want to be happy? Avoid all fear-inducing situations.

■ Q: What do I do once I realize my thoughts or actions are based on fear? What to do when I am afraid?
■ A: Acknowledge the emotion. Forgive yourself that emoting is OK. Climb up the emotional scale to a little higher frequency by changing your thoughts. (Review the chapter on Climb Emotion Scale).

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24. End Summary

Low frequency emotions predict that I will not like the future I am attracting.

Each person plays their own Game. I am responsible for my own happiness.

Inspiration comes to me from God, past masters, relatives, & friends via my superconscious.

Feel-good actions get me what I want; those that don’t feel good get me what I don’t want.

I exist both in a time-space-based physical world and in a timeless non-physical infinite universe.

I can make miracles happen because I am connected to the Infinite Power through THE-FLOW.

The concept of Hell doesn’t describe a future life punishment; it describes the painful effects in this life of playing the Game of Life poorly.

The four Law of Attraction steps: Desire, Escrow-building, Allowance, Manifestation.

Death recycles my body and restores my non-physical spirit to all I was before my earth-walk.

I am worthy and deserving of all good things. I do not need to be “saved.”

Resisting or pushing against something strengthens it and brings more of it to me.

There are only two rules in the Game of Life: Accept myself and treat others as I want to be treated.

The concept of Heaven doesn’t describe a future life of reward; it describes the joyful, pleasurable experience in this lifetime of playing the Game of Life well.

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25. Another POV

Here is another point of view, a separate way to look at the Game of Life, from Soaring Eagle, my Inner-Spirit, who gave this list to me for you:

◆ You are a member of the non-physical realm that preceded the physical universe of space-time.

◆ You chose to temporarily enter space-time for a lifetime of adventure, fun, love, and joy. It’s all good.

◆ Base yourself first in the non-physical realm by listening to the promptings from within.

◆ You are in THE-FLOW of the Game of Life when you are happy, eager, wanting more, feeling love, and having interest in life, seeing its humor; knowing you are ready, able, and eager to accomplish anything.

◆ Move around in your world. Try to make as much sense of it as possible. Notice the connect between thoughts-emotions and what happens.

◆ Think of yourself not as a human being, but as Source Energy (God) extended into a human body. Acknowledge the worthiness, goodness, and power that you are.

◆ Why are you here? Because non-physical enjoys nothing more than the experience of playing in time and space. You came to have fun. Your presence contributes to the Universe expanding in diversity,  knowledge, material things, and experiences fulfilling the mandate: More, different, forever.

◆ Best strategy: “In each situation, think non-physical first, then physical.”

◆ Enjoy the journey! You will create one destination, then another, and another after you get there. It’s all journey, the Game of Life journey. Enjoy!

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